Journal "Vestnik "NPO IM. S.A.Lavochkina"

Contents of the issue
Potechin S.G.Kaluga branch of Lavochkin Association is celebrating its 20th Anniversary
Dobrosovestnov K.B., Afonin S.A.
Special features of designing and mathematical simulating of some SC force elements, developed by the Lavochkin Association affiliate
Simonov A.V.
Using the orbits of Mars artificial satellite for flight to Main Belt Asteroids
Kotomin А.А., Dushenok S.А., Efanov V.V., Trapeznikov М.А., Kozlov А.S., Gorovtsov V.V.
Critical diameters of detonation of explosive materials, used in SC separation systems
Davydov A.N.
Estimation of mean life time of radio-electronic equipment with resources limitation account
Khokhlachev Е.N.
Cost optimisation while providing survivability of ground objects of satellite control system
Prigoda B.A.
Construction sintes of spiral antennas
Petrosyan L.V., Mnatsakanov А.М.
Mathematical model of lander's support leg motion on surface of a planetary crater
Lovtsov D.А., Karpov D.S.
Dynamic planning of navigation definitions of missile and space technology objects in the Computer flight testing system