Journal "Vestnik "NPO IM. S.A.Lavochkina"
Contact Information
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Requirements to the materials for publication in the journal
For publishing in journal «Vestnik NPO imeni S.A. Lavochkina» space technology and engineering articles are accepted that meet requirements of Higher Attestation Commission of the Russian Federation for scientific novelty and approbation of the presented results by field experiments (tests), flight operation or patents for inventions (utility models) referring the following scientific categories: 2.5.13. Aircraft design, production, testing and operation; 2.5.14. Aircraft durability and thermal modes; 2.5.16. Aircraft Dynamics, ballistics and control.
Reviewers are appointed by the editor-in-chief or on his behalf by the deputy editor-in-chief of the journal.
The article shall be sent to Lavochkin Association, JSC enclosed by a cover letter addressed to editor-in-chief of the journal and mandatory attachment of formalized expert certificate and peer reviews.
A license treaty on transfer of non-exclusive rights is concluded between the article’s authors and editorial board.
The article shall be signed by all authors. The article text shall be at least 12 and no more than 17 pages, contain 8 figures and 15 bibliographic references. All pages shall be numbered.
Statement of the materials should be clear, logically structured in the following order:
– UDC index (on the left);
– authors’ initials and last name, academic title and science degree of each author, position, place of employment (full organization name as per Charter, country, city), contact information (e-mail), title of article, summary (5–7 lines), key words (5–6 words) in Russian and in English;
– body text;
– list of references.
The article shall be submitted in one side A4 hard copy.
Text shall be provided in MS Word, font Times New Roman, size 14, spacing one and a half. Fields fr om all sides – 25 mm.
The built-in formula editor is used to set formulas and equations. Symbols and numerical coefficients, wh ere possible, shall be typed in MS Word. The Greek alphabet symbols shall be block-letter type, the English alphabet symbols shall be italics. Only formulas, referenced in the text shall be enumerated.
All letter symbols and abbreviations shall be expanded. Dimension of values shall be in SI system.
List of references shall contain last name and initials of the authors, full title of the work. Place of publication, editorial office, date of publication, number of pages are to be provided for the books. The title of the journal or book, date of publication, volume, number, number of the first and the last page shall be written for articles. References to data sources shall be given in parentheses indicating the surname and initials of the authors, the year of publication.
Figures and diagrams shall be in color, clear and should not need redrawing. The text font in illustrative materials is Arial Reg, from small letters (except titles and names). The figures shall be enumerated, have short name and be located at the first reference place.
Tables shall be enumerated and have a short name. Text in tables shall be small letters (except for names and abbreviations).
Once the article is accepted for publication, the following files shall be emailed to
– information about the authors shall include: full name (and its English transliteration), academic title and science degree, PhD student or candidate for a degree, position, contact phone number, e-mail.
– accomplished article, file type .docx;
– figures, plots, file type .jpg, or .tiff, resolution at least 300 dpi, the size is not more than A4 format;
– author photos (if there are no more than four authors), file type .jpg, or .tiff, resolution at least 300 dpi, size not less than 10×15;
– information about authors, file type .docx;