Journal "Vestnik "NPO IM. S.A.Lavochkina"

Contents of the issue
Babyshkin V.Е.New generation hydrometeorological space complex «Electro»
Asyushkin V.А., Ishin S.V.
Multipurpose upper stage «Fregat-SB» with enhanced power capacity
Malenkov М.I.
Development of «Lunokhod-1» is a scientific and technical breakthrough of ХХ century
Kovalev Е.V., Romanov V.М., Yaremenko D.E.
Modern approach to cost management of rocket and space engineering by example of the E.Goldratt critical chains method
Prigoda B.А.
Features of designing of spacecraft reflector-type antennas
Buslaev S.P.
Use of discrimination rule for prediction of spacecraft successful landing on celestial body surface
Sysoev V.K., Vyatlev P.A., Chirkov A.V., Grozin V.A., Konyashchenko D.A.
Two-laser thermo cleavage of glass elements for space-craft conception
Shibalov М.V., Ananyev А.I., Chekulayeva А.I.
On the issue of quality evaluation of AMg6 aluminum alloy welded seams
Sidyakin V.А., Ponomarev К.Е., Khaustov V.S., Arbuzov V.М.
Some special features of upset welding of steel-titanium piped adaptors by means of voltaic arc in low-pressure inert atmosphere