Journal "Vestnik "NPO IM. S.A.Lavochkina"

Contents of the issue
Efanov V.V., Shirshakov A.E. Studies of Mars and its satellites by perspective interplanetary stations by Lavochkin Association (to the thirtieth anniversary of «PHOBOS-2» SC launch)
Finchenko V.S., Ivankov A.A., Shmatov S.I. Project of spacecraft equipped with a debris removal system (aerothermodynamics, bulk-mass characteristics and trajectories of spacecraft descent from near-earth orbits)
Evgrafov A.E., Pol V.G., Shostak S.V. On determining the surface topography according to the technology of RSA in monostatic non-coherent mode
Nazarov А.Е. Control of apparent SC motion at tandem mission profile
Kazmerchuk P.V. Verification of method of linearization for optimization problems of low thrust spacecraft trajectories
Zacharov A.I., Krusanova N.L., Moskatiniev I.V., Prohorov M.E., Stekol’shchikov O.Y., Sysoev V.K., Tuchin M.S., Yudin A.D. To a question of increasing to sub-second stellar sensors orientation accuracy
Shevchenko S.N. Method of justification of experimental verification scope and number of launches within the program of payloads injection in space at retrofit of the strategic intercontinental ballistic missiles into integrated launch vehicles
Petrov A.S., Prilutskiy A.A., Volchenkov A.S. Analysis of dependence of the space-borne synthetic aperture radar parameters on its operational modes
Atamasov V.D., Daniluk A.U., Dementyev I.I., Pogorelov V.I., Ustinov A.N., Shevkunov I.A. The effect of radiation on the frequency response of the system for the removal of the nuclear power plant of the spacecraft
Bagrov A.V., Leonov V.A. Non-rocket launch from Mars
Аkhramovich S.А., Barinov А.V., Malyshev V.V., Starkov А.V. Attitude control system design by quad tiltrotor at pitch and roll in vertical configuration
Polykov А.А. The experience of Lavochkin Association in the organization of the product development process for the space industry in the PLM-system
Evgrafov A.E., Pol V.G., Shostak S.V. Unambiguous reliable reference in the multi-range measuring systems
Atamasov V.D., Daniluk A.U., Dementyev I.I., Pogorelov V.I., Ustinov A.N., Shevkunov I.A. Modeling of the process of high-speed flows of fine particles on the surface of the radiation heat exchanger of the onboard equipment module of the spacecraft and the cooler-radiator of the onboard nuclear power plant