Journal "Vestnik "NPO IM. S.A.Lavochkina"

Contents of the issue
The issue of the journal contains a joint scientific article by authors from the Institute of Astronomy of the Russian Academy of Sciences and the University of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, which formulates the advantages of placing an astronomical telescope on the Moon, as well as articles by other Russian scientists on the development and application of automatic spacecraft for the study of the Moon and planets of the Solar System.
Shugarov A.S., Huijuan Wang, Subo Dong, Sachkov M.E., Shmagin V.Е., Buslaeva A.I., Xiaojun Jiang, Jiaqi Wang. The concept of Lunar-based astrophysical telescope for international lunar research station
Demenko O.G., Birukov A.S., Bordadymov V.E. To the question of the use of acoustic tests during ground-based testing of the strength of spacecraft
Babakov A.V., Shmatov S.I. Mathematical modeling and analysis of the impact of combustion products of the landing module’s braking propulsion system on the surface of a planet containing an atmosphere during a soft landing
Khamidullina N.M., Zefirov I.V., Chernikov P.S. Analysis of single event effects created by the neutron flux from onboard radioisotope heat units in the microcircuits of electronic equipment of the interplanetary SC with landing modules
Dobritsa D.B., Yashchenko B.Yu., Shadrina Yu.A. Numerical study of the resistance of heat pipes to space debris impact
Alekseeva A.M., Lepekhina T.A., Pol V.G. On the design of the active phased array antenna for the high-resolution synthetic aperture spaceborne radars
Matveev Yu.A. Prediction of spacecraft safety during development. Systems approach