Journal "Vestnik "NPO IM. S.A.Lavochkina"

Journal "Vestnik "NPO IM. S.A.Lavochkina"

Issue: 01'2024

Contents of the issue

The first issue of the magazine provides articles covering a spacecraft design and its components engineering, in particular Earth remote sensing spacecraft as well as spacecraft structure environments and many other topics

table of contents

Zanin K.A., Klimenko N.N. Deployment of dual-purpose satellites for military applications. Part 2. MAXAR’s next-generation imagery surveillance satellites

Efanov V.V., Karchaev KH.ZH., Sholokhova I.V., Gerasimchuk V.V. On the issue of improving the effectiveness of initial scientific activity. Aspects of transformational processes of improving postgraduate training

Kazmerchuk P.V., Vernigora L.V. Dimensionless variables in problems of optimization of spacecraft flights with electric propulsion systems

Simonov А.V., Gordienko Е.S., Rozin P.Е., Kosenkova А.V. Decreasing the spacecraft injection errors of the Fregat upper stage by statistical refinement of the aftereffect impulse its main engine

Zanin К.А., Moskatiniev I.V., Demidov А.Iu. Exploratory study of a new class foreign spacecraft capabilities: video synthetic aperture radars. Part 1

Sedykh O.Y., Sysoev V.K., Kurguzov A.V., Glotov M.K., Yudin A.D. Design of an aerodynamic inflatable braking device and the characteristics validation for CubeSat nanosatellites deorbiting

Yashchenko B.Yu., Dobritsa D.B., Shmatov S.I. Control of spacecraft surface cleanliness during thermal vacuum testing

Gusev E.V., Zagovorchev V.A., Rodchenko V.V., Sadretdinova E.R., Schipnevskay E.A. The influence of the rotation of the reactive penetrator on the parameters of its movement in lunar soilе

Dementeva Iu. N. Recent approaches of improvement of project management mechanisms in the rocket and space industry

Grigoriev P.S., Goncharov V.V. Dynamic loads analysis of massive parts mounted on launch vehicle and upper stage bodies

Gaifullin I.I., Plaksin A.M., Piunov V.Y. On the issue of the optimal choice of cutting modes for machining stainless steel using liquid cutting fluids

Kozlov V.V., Lagun А.V., Kharchenko V.A. Aggregation procedure of the fractal system indicators of rocket-space complex assessment

Balukhto А.N. Multiagent management philosophy of data transmission in the Earth remote sensing multi-satellite network systems