Journal "Vestnik "NPO IM. S.A.Lavochkina"

Contents of the issue
Efanov V.V., Martynov M.B., Karchaev Kh.Zh.
Flightborne vehicles by Lavochkin Association (to the eightieth anniversary of Lavochkin Association)
Аlexandrov А.А., Grafodatsky O.S., Krylov V.I., Lemeshevskii S.A., Lokhanov I.V., Novikov J.M., Jagodnikov D.A.
Research & Production Center of advanced porous net items for space and common industry applications based on Lavochkin Association and Bauman Moscow State Technical University cooperation (heritage, current status and opportunities)
Sunyaev R.A., Churazov E.M.
Science of «SPECTRUM-X-GAMMA» Observatory: What we expect from the deepest all-sky survey in X-rays?
Shustov B.M., Moisheev A.A., Sachkov M.E., Vlasenko O.V.
Opening «ultraviolet» window to the Universe: heritage of the scientific – technical cooperation between Lavochkin Association and INASAN
Ivanov M.А., Marov M.Ya., Basilevskiy А.Т., Kostitsin Yu.A.
Boguslawsky crater on the Moon: landing site selection for «LUNA-GLOB» mission descent module
Lemeshevskii S.А., Grafodatsky О.S., Karchaev Kh.Zh., Vorontsov V.А.
Spacecraft for Venus contact studies. Heritage and prospects (to the eightieth anniversary of Lavochkin Association and to the fiftieth anniversary of «VENERA-4» spacecraft)
Mezhiritskiy Е.L.
Years of joint activities of Lavochkin Association and Academician Pilyugin Center
Chvanov V.К., Sudakov V.S.
Close in spirit
Borovin G.K., Zaslavskiy G.S., Stepanyants V.A., Tuchin A.G.
Тo the continual fruitful cooperation in the space exploration of S.A. Lavochkin Association and KIAM of RAS – over half a century
Sokolov V.N., Syrov А.S.
From «Burya» to «Navigator» – history of cooperation between «Mars» MEDB and Lavochkin Association
Panasyuk М.I., Kuznetsov N.V., Osedlo V.I., Tulupov V.I.
To the eightieth anniversary of Lavochkin Association – years of cooperation with Skobeltsyn Institute of Nuclear Physics of Moscow state University
Lukashevich Е.L., Gorelov V.А.
History of cooperation between Lavochkin Science and Production Association and JSC «Research and Production Center «Priroda»
Gafarov А.А., Golovin Yu.М., Ilyina А.Yu., Koshlakov V.V., Ponomarev N.B., Rebrov S.G.
Lavochkin NPO and Keldysh Research Centre – together on the way to the creation of aviation, space and rocket technologies
Makridenko L.А., Sarychev А.P., Volkov S.N., Medushev S.V., Averbukh V.Ya.
Semicentenary Anniversary of cooperation between «VNIIEM Corporation» JC and Federal Enterprise «Lavochkin Association»
Moskatiniev I.V., Baliev A.V., Pavlova T.V., Gektin Yu.М., Akimov N.P., Smelyansky M.B., Sulimanov N.А., Badaev К.V., Ryzhakov А.V., Frolov А.G., Andreev R.V., Zaytsev А.А.
The main results of MSU-GS instrument operations onboard «ELECTRO-L» № 2 satellite
Degtyar V.G., Molchanov S.F.
Research experiments in space environment with new articles of space systems
Filatyev А.S.
Joint aerospace studies of TsAGI and Lavochkin Association
Alifanov O.M., Medvedskiy A.L., Terentyev V.V., Lyskov D.V.
Experience of descent vehicle-demonstrator design, introduction of aeroelastic deployable structural elements in space systems
Evich А.F., Gubaidullin V.Sh.
The first steps to the Moon (memories of TsNIImash’s veterans)
Vaisberg O.L.
With Lavochkin Association towards Mars!
Naumov V.N., Gorelov V.А.
Joint experience of MGTU by N.E. Bauman and Lavochkin Association in the field of rovers development
Asyushkin V.А., Vikulenkov V.P., Ishin S.V., Fedoskin D.I., Lemeshevskii S.А., Yakovlev B.D., Jumahanov N.B., Poreshnev А.Yu., Vikulenkov А.V.
Enhanced power-capacity multi-purpose versatile tug «FREGAT-CBU»
Ivanov I.G., Bondareva М.К.
Historical experience of cooperation between Main Test Spaces Center and Lavochkin Association in the field of spacecraft control
Economov А.P., Ksanfomaliti L.V.
Advanced thermal control systems for Venus exploration descent vehicles
Melnichuk А.D., Popesku Е.P.
First steps towards the Moon exploration. Some overall results
Kotomin А.А., Dushenok S.A., Lemeshevskii S.А., Shirokova N.P., Efanov V.V.
Comprehensive methods of calculation of parameters of high-energy materials efficiency used in spacecraft pyro separation systems
Lagno O.G., Ivaneko I.M., Dmitriev V.V., Verbitskaia N.F.
From «L» upper stage to «Fregat» upper stage
Shkolnyi V.N., Islentiev Е.V., Kapustin А.N., Krat М.V., Yudin V.А., Grishelenok D.А.
Radio navigation hardware of GLONASS space navigation systems and GPS autonomous navigation systems of «ELEKTRO-L» spacecraft
Shulga V.M., Lebedev A.G., Borisov V.G., Sova A.N., Ermakov V.Yu., Kuznetsov D.A.
Methodological and experimental substantiation of the technology of refueling of the upper stage «Fregat» components of the fuel from the transport and filling containers by the method of weight batching (to the 80 anniversary of the Federal Enterprise «Lavochkin Association»)