Journal "Vestnik "NPO IM. S.A.Lavochkina"

Contents of the issue
The articles in this issue of the journal discuss scientific and technical issues in astronautics: design parameters and technical characteristics of the onboard equipment of small spacecraft, radiation exposure on astronauts during activities on the Moon with a promising lunar rover, etc. Zanin К.А., Klimenko N.N., Moskatiniev I.V. Analysis of design parameters and technical performance of onboard equipment of the Capella (Whitney) small spacecraft carrying synthesized aperture radar
Telepnev P.P., Kuznetsov D.A., Gerasimchuk V.V., Efanov V.V. Substantiation of requirements for design parameters of spacecraft structural elements based on dynamic analysis of
Artemov M.E., Kombaev T.Sh., Khamidullina N.M. On the issue of assessing displacement damage in electronical components of spacecraft equipment in a Molniya-type orbits
Gordienko E.S., Ivashkin V.V., Simonov A.V., Rozin P.E. Analysis of trajectories launching spacecraft into high orbits of an artificial satellite of the Moon with using two-impulse braking
Averkiev N.F., Klyushnikov V.Y., Kulvits A.V., Zhitnikov T.A. Generalized method of substantiation of ballistic structures of the cluster of Earth remote sensing small spacecrafts
Vlasenkov E.V., Khamidullina N.M. Radiation impact during the operation of promising lunar rovers
Bloshenko A.V., Кoshlakov V.V., Zilova O.S., Rizakhanov R.N., Sigalaev S.K., Kozlov E.N. Tribological properties of gas-tight erosion-resistant aluminum oxide coating synthesized by atomic layer deposition
Petrov A.S., Demin D.S. Automation of the procedure for forming APAA subaperture structure of low-orbit space SAR missions
Demenko O.G., Birukov A.S. To the question of determining the parameters of the equivalent shock impulse during testing of spacecraft Zaschirinsky S.A., Polyakov A.A., Mikhailov D.N., Sysoev V.K., Sergeev D.V., Leun E.V. Verification of the physical and mathematical model of the landing dynamics of the lander of the ExoMars spacecraft based on the results of throwing tests
Belyakov A.A., Shulepov A.I. The concept of automated spatial matrix topological model of on-board equipment layout in spacecraft compartment
Struev A.V., Popov А.А., Gorshenin V.P. Process approach to the Contracts Department activities at Lavochkin Association, JSC |