Journal "Vestnik "NPO IM. S.A.Lavochkina"

Contents of the issue
Avdeev V.Yu., Alakoz А.V., Aleksandrov Yu.А., Andreyanov V.V. et al.«Radioastron» Space Mission. The first results
Zastenker G.N., Zelenyi L.M., Petrukovich A.A., Chesalin L.S. et al.
«Plasma-F» – first results of working
Sysoev V.К., Pichkhadze К.М., Verlan А.А., Nasyrov А.F.
Analysis of structure of demo space power plant
Demyanenko D.B., Dudyrev А.S., Efanov V.V., Strakhov I.G., Tsinbal М.N.
Pyrоtechnic timing devices for objects of space technics
Finchenko V.S., Shmatov S.I.
Method for rapid prediction of aerodynamic force effects on space crafts in rarefied gas flow
Alyabiev S.P., Chistov E.G.
On availability of commercial communication satellite systems for transfer of SC and upper stages telemetry data («flight-modem» technology)
Sabirov Т.R., Vlasov A.I., Mirzamagomedov Y.I.
Microstrip antenna array for small SC onboard radio complex
Loupiak D.S., Lakeev V.N., Karbanov N.A.
The block DM-based orbital transfer vehicle
Volodin N.M., Mishin Y.N., Tulin I.D., Markacheva А.А., Kaminskiy V.V.
Spacecraft semiconducting resistance strain gauge based on samarium monosulfide. Self-heating
Targamadze R.Ch., Moiseev D.V., Fam S.K.
Rational choice of loop flight rout for a lightweight aircraft subject to the wind forecast