Journal "Vestnik "NPO IM. S.A.Lavochkina"

Contents of the issue
Editorial articleKardashev N.S., Alakoz A.V., Kovalev Y.Y., Popov M.V., Sobolev A.M., Sokolovsky K.V.
«Radioаstron»: main results of the implementation of the Early Science Program in studies of astonomocal objects in the Universe with ultra-high angular resolution
Zelenyi L.M., Zastenker G.N., Petrukovich A.A., Chesalin L.S. et al.
«Plazma-F» experiment: 3 years of operation on orbit
Kardashev N.S., Khartov V.V., Kreisman B.B., Pogodin А.V., Ponomarev Yu.N., Filippova Е.N., Sheikhet А.I.
«Spektr-R» spacecraft orbit design for ground-space interferometer
Kanevskiy B.Z., Smirnov A.I., Sazankov S.V., Belousov K.G. et al.
The Earth-based tracking station. «Radioastron» project
Andrianov A.S., Guirin I.A., Jarov V.E., Kostenko V.I., Likhachev S.F., Shatskaya M.V.
Correlator of the FIAN Astro Space Center in «Radioastron» mission
Belousov K.G., Dronova O.B., Likhachev S.F., Chibisov A.V.
Device for recording of radioastronomical data
Shatskaya M.V., Abramov А.А., Guirin I.A., Kostenko V.I., Likhachev S.F., Seliverstov S.I., Fedorov N.A.
Development of Data Processing Center of «Radioastron» Project
Komovkin S.V., Melnikov I.N., Molchanov K.V., Kalashnikov A.I.
Ground segment for «Spektr-R» SC flight control
Artyukhov M.I., Vorobyov A.Z., Kalashnikov A.I., Shirshakov A.E.
Features control of spacecraft «Spektr-R»
Voinakov S.М., Filippova Е.N., Sheikhet А.I., Yakimov V.Е.
Functional constraints for orientation of onboard and ground aids for «Radioаstron» project
Astavin А.S., Kovalev V.S., Komaev R.V., Moisheev А.А., Tsvelev V.М., Serebrennikov V.А.
Development of precision structure of large-size space radio telescope
Arhipov M.Yu., Telepnev P.P., Kuznetsov D.A.
On the question of numerical simulation of «Spektr-R» spacecraft structure dynamics
Telepnev P.P., Efanov V.V., Kuznetsov D.A., Ermakov V.Yu.
Analysis of «Spektr-R» spacecraft operating modes for various algorithms of high gain antenna drive contro
Khartov V.V., Martynov M.B., Babyshkin V.E., Moskatiniev I.V., Mitkin A.S.
New high-elliptical hydrometeorological «Arktika-M» Space System
Barmin I.V., Dunham D.W., Kulagin V.P., Savinykh V.P., Tsvetkov V.Ya.
Coordinate implementation for global monitoring System
Vorontsov V.A., Govorenko G.S., Malyshev V.V., Pichkhadze K.M., Porshnev V.A., Safronov V.V., Teterin D.P.
Technique of the effective options selection of the descent systems for solar system planets