Journal "Vestnik "NPO IM. S.A.Lavochkina"

Contents of the issue
Congratulations of I.A. Komarov, Head of the Federal Space AgencyCongratulations of V.E. Fortov, the President of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Academician
Congratulation of Yu.V. Vlasov, Interim Director General of the United Rocket and Space Corporation
Congratulations of S.A. Lemeshevskiy, Director General of the Federal Enterprise «Lavochkin Association», and V.V. Khartov, Designer General of the Federal Enterprise «Lavochkin Association»
Congratulations of A.V. Degtyarev, Designer General and Director General of M.K. Yangel Yuzhnoye State Design Office, Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
Khartov V.V.
From exploration to deployment of Moon resources. Yesterday and tomorrow (in tribute to 50th anniversary of space activity of Lavochkin Association)
Chvanov V.К., Sudakov V.S.
Our neighbors from Khimki
Zelenyi L.M., Khartov V.V., Zastenker G.N., Kovrazhkin R.A. et al.
Study of solar-terrestrial relationship by means of Spacecraft built by Lavochkin Association
Penyazkov O.G., Astashynski V.M., Danilova-Tretiak S.M.
Let’s conquer space together (on cooperation between А.V. Luikov Heat and Mass Transfer Institute of the NAS of Belarus and Lavochkin Association)
Murashko V.М., Kozubskiy К.N. Vertakov N.М., Koryakin А.I.
On scientific and technical cooperation between Lavochkin Association and «Fakel» EDB.
In commemoration of the 50th anniversary of Lavochkin Association space activities
Kochura S.G., Kuzoro V.I., Shanavrin V.S.
The successful experience of cooperation
Gafarov А.А., Golovin Yu.М., Ponomarev N.B., Rebrov S.G.
Fifty year collaboration in space area between Lavochkin Association and Keldysh Center
Timchenko А.Yu.
On the cooperation between Lavochkin Association and M.K. Yangel Yuzhnoye Design Office
Kotomin А.А., Dushenok S.A., Demyanenko D.B., Efanov V.V., Gorovtsov V.V.
A new generation of spacecraft pyroautomatic systems as the result of successful cooperation
Verbitskaya N.F., Dmitriev V.V., Kobzev Yu.N., Luptakov B.V.
The main results of the cooperation
Syrov A.S., Smirnov V.V., Sokolov V.N., Iodko G.S., Mischihin V.V., Kosobokov V.N., Shatsky M.A., Dobrynin D.A.
The «Navigator» platform on-board control system
Degtyar V.G.
Usage of submarine ballistic rockets practical launches for scientific studies and creation of new technologies
Melnichuk А.D. Popesku Е.P. Nazarov А.О.
The milestones of cooperation between Lavochkin Association and Main Test Spaces Center
Lebedev Е.L.
Practical training at Lavochkin Association premises − experience for the future
Rulev S.V., Lebedev A.G., Nikolaev A.V., Shulga V.M., Telepnev P.P., Kuznetsov D.A., Ermakov V.Yu.
Weight measuring devices for fueling the tanks of «Fregat» Upper Stage (in commemoration of the 50th anniversary of Lavochkin Association space activities)
Zelenyi L.М., Кsanfomaliti L.V.
From the «Vega» mission near Comet Halley to the «Rosetta» mission near comet 67P/Churyumov – Gerasimenko
Zelenyi L.М., Zaitsev Yu.I.
The «Vega» mission: the way it was
Ageenko Yu.I., Panin I.G., Pegin I.V., Chesnokov D.V.
Low-thrust liquid rocket engines with deflector centrifugal scheme of mixture formation for spacecraft by Lavockin Association
Daniluk A.Yu., Klyushnikov V.Yu., Kuznetsov I.I., Osadchenko A.S.
Requirements for appearance and basic design parameters of the micro-rocket complex, designed for launch of «nano», «pico» and «femto»-size small spacecraft
Gektin Yu.M., Selivanov A.S.
Multi-zone scanning device for the «Electro L» № 1 geostationary meteo satellite
Kochura S.G., Shkolniy V.N., Suntsov S.B., Efremov S.V.
The development of onboard harness new technologies
Koshkin М.I.
The gas-jet propulsion system for microsatellites of «Pulsar» and «Interball» programs
Nazarov А.Е.
Orbital arrangement and control of the «Аrctika-М» innovative space system orbital structure (in commemoration of the 50th anniversary of Lavochkin Association space activities)
Shestikhin V.I., Nazarov А.Е., Zelenevskiy Yu.V.
On issue of stabilization of the clusters of high-orbital satellites for continuous observations (in commemoration of the 50th anniversary of Lavochkin Association space activities)
Seleznev Е.P., Smirnov I.N., Dorodnikov М.А.
Development and firing tests of monopropellant and bipropellant low-thrust engines by Isayev Chemical Engineering Design Bureau