Journal "Vestnik "NPO IM. S.A.Lavochkina"
Contents of the issue
Editorial article
Kardashev N.S., Alakoz A.V. et al.
«RADIOASTRON» five years after launch: main science results
Zaslavskiy G.S., Zakhvatkin M.V., Stepanyants V.A., Tuchin A.G., Shishov V.A.
Ballistics-navigation support of the spacecraft flight control and implementation of «Radioаstron» program scientific program. 5 years of flight
Rastorguev A.S., Sachkov M.E., Zabolotskikh M.V.
Galactic Astronomy in UV
Wiebe D.S.
Observations in UV band and problems of star formation studies
Makarova L.N., Makarov D.I.
Prospects of the «WSO-UV » project for study of a star formation in nearby dwarf Galaxies
Panchuk V.E., Klochkova V.G., Sachkov M.E.
Experimental UV-spectroscopy
Sachkov M.E., Malkov O.Yu.
Web-resources for astronomical data in the ultraviolet
Efanov V.V., Martynov M.B., Karchaev Kh.Zh.
About the scientific potential of Science and Production Association named after Semeon A. Lavochkin
Martynov M.B., Merkulov P.V., Lomakin I.V., Vyatlev P.A., Platov I.V., Leun E.V., Nasyrov A.F.
«Laplace-P» an advanced Russian project aimed at Jupiter planetary system research. Development of spacecraft conceptual design
Kazmerchuk P.V.
The Method of Linearization in optimization problems of low thrust spacecraft trajectories. Computational aspects
Barabanov A.A., Milyukov V.K., Moskatiniev I.V., Nesterin I.M., Sysoev V.K., Yudin A.D.
Relativistic gravitational experiment in the Earth orbit: concept, technology and configuration of satellite constellation
Laptev M.Yu., Li E.K., Netrebenko R.V., Chulin A.N.
Spacecraft attitude errors estimation by flight-test results in different flight phases
Erofeev A.I., Nikiforov A.P., Popov G.A., Suvorov M.O., Syrin S.A., Khartov S.A.
Development of Air-Electrorocket Ramjet for Compensating of Low-Orbit Spacecrafts Aerodynamic Drag
Zagarskih V.I., Kuzin Е.N., Efanov V.V.
Detonating fuse-triggering device
Kuznetsov D.A., Telepnev P.P., Ermakov V.Yu.
The approach to the issue of predicted perturbation levels for electric flywheel electric actuators