Journal "Vestnik "NPO IM. S.A.Lavochkina"

Contents of the issue
Kardashev N.S., Alakoz A.V., Andrianov A.S., Baan W. et al. The fundamental scientific outcome of the RADIOASTRON mission obtained during 2016–2018
Zasova L.V., Gorinov D.A., Eismont N.A., Kovalenko I.D., Abbakumov A.S., Bober S.A. VENERA-D: a design of automatic space station for Venus exploration
Moisheev А.А. ASTRON cleared the path toward SPEKTR-UF program
Sachkov M.E. Studies of stars in ultraviolet
Sachkov M.E., Sichevskij S.G., Shustov B.M., Kanev E.N., Shugarov A.S. Field Camera Unit instrument of the SPECTR-UF mission: new design and scientific tasks
Klimenko N.N. Analytical models for estimation of LEO satellites capabilities to detect, geolocate and identify C-, X-, Ku-, Ka-band satellite communications terminals.
Part 1. Analytical model of satellite communications terminals as an objects of surveillance
Sadovnichiy V.A., Panasyuk M.I., Lipunov V.М. et al. A concept of the project Universat-SOCRAT of the system of small satellites for monitoring of natural and technogenic space hazards
Shevchenko S.N. Method of reliability assessment and validation of the spacecraft systems by results of strenuous tests
Klyushnikov V.Yu., Kuznetsov I.I., Medvedev А.А., Osadchenko A.S. Lean space System Concept
Jagodnikov D.A., Shatskii O.E., Lokhanov I.V., Karchaev H.J. To the 70th anniversary of the Bauman State Technical University Chair «Rocket Propulsion» (sustainable development and succession of history traditions)
Petrov A.S., Prilutskiy A.A., Volchenkov A.S. Sub-aperture structural forming of active phase array antenna for space synthetic aperture radar and selection of its control elements parameters
Chikov V.A., Sadikov A.V. Estimation of transmitter power and antennas gains witch was mounted at earth-station and space vehicle board in digital space communication radio lines