Journal "Vestnik "NPO IM. S.A.Lavochkina"

Journal "Vestnik "NPO IM. S.A.Lavochkina"

Issue: 04'2011

Contents of the issue

Degtyarev А.V., Kavelin S.S.
Vyacheslav M. Kovtunenko – scientist, creator, enthusiast

Shevalev I.L.
Lavochkin Association and V.M. Kovtunenko: intersec-tion of ways, which gave the new impetus to development of the do-mestic unmanned space exploration

Tserenin I.D., Gubanov I.P.
Practice of control of «Granat» astro-physical observatory

Simonov А.V., Morskoy I.М., Khamidullina N.М.
Planetary protec-tion of Mars in frame of «Phobos-Grunt» mission. Probability calcu-lation of SC reaching the Mars

Bagrov A.V., Vernigora L.V., Vyatlev P.A., Martynov M.B., Papchenko B.P., Sysoev V.K.
Development of Light-Emitting Diode (LED) Optical Beacons for Spacecraft

Kazmerchuk P.V., Usachov V.E.
Calculation of Frechet derivatives for optimization of complex trajectories of low thrust spacecraft

Rodin A.L., Prilutskiy A.A., Detkov A.N., Nitsak D.A.
Use of airborne polarimetric SAR for detection of «Phobos-Grunt» descent vehicle against the Earth background

Samoilov S.Y.
Analytic model of objects’ geographical coordinate determination by space images

Konova E.M., Khatipov S.A., Tsvelev V.M., Alekseev S.V., Markachev N.A.
Study of impact of nanofillers on physical and mechanical properties of radiation modifications of composites based on polytetrafluo-roethylene