Journal "Vestnik "NPO IM. S.A.Lavochkina"

Contents of the issue
Shustov B.М., Sachkov М.Е.Alexander Alekseevich Boyarchuk
Kulagin V.P., Shustov B.M., Kuznetsov Yu.M., Kaperko A.F., Bober S.A., Obolyaeva N.M., Naroenkov S.A., Shuvalov V.V., Svettsov V.V., Popova O.P., Glazachev D.O.
Methods and means of information-analytical assessment of asteroid
and comet hazard
Klimenko N.N., Nazarov A.E.
Advanced space-borne system for surveillance of geostationary orbit
Kuzin Е.N., Zagarskih V.I., Efanov V.V.
Laws of attenuation of axisymmetric shock waves in detonating linear cutting charges cases
Platov I.V., Simonov A.V., Konstantinov M.S.
Selection of efficient option of the combined propulsion system design and the flight profile of the «Interhelio-Zond» spacecraft
Kazmerchuk P.V.
Linearization method for optimization of low thrust spacecraft trajectories. Theoretical aspects
Finchenko V.S., Ivankov A.A., Aleksashkin S.N., Ostreshko B.A.
Graphic-analytical method of definition of the descent module parameters at entry into the Earth’s atmosphere during rocket thermal protection testing
Matveev Yu.A., Lamzin V.A., Lamzin V.V.
Method of predictive researches of spacecraft modifications effectiveness at integrated replacement of subsystems
Bibarsov N.F., Strizhenko P.P.
Verification of Flowvision simulation system capabilities in modeling of cryogenic oxygen flow in channel with dimpled surface
Alekseev S.V., Aksenova I.V., Belokrilova V.V., Ivanova E.K., Kolesnikova E.M., Kharitonova E.V.
New anti-glare screen-vacuum thermal insulation for spacecraft
Konstantinov M.S., Min Thein
Quasioptimal flight trajectories to Jupiter with the sequence of near-the-Earth gravity-assist maneuvers
Komovkin S.V., Lavrenov S.M., Tuchin A.G., Tuchin D.A., Yaroshevsky V.S.
Celestial-mechanical interpretation of the two-way radio measurements of radial velocity of spacecraft for scientific applications
Vasin V.A., Sorokin V.A., Frantskevich V.P., Somov O.V., Apelfeld A.V.
The up-to-date vacuum technologies of protective coatings for rocket-and-space industry articles
Mozgovoy Yu.V.
Basic principles and algorithms of module control- management for applied task of provision of the spacecrafts electric equipment functioning
Golubev Yu.F., Tuchin A.G., Grushevskii A.V., Koryanov V.V., Tuchin D.A., Morskoy I.M., Simonov A.V., Dobrovolskii V.S.
The main methods of trajectories synthesis for gravity assist space missions
to the Jupiter system with landing on one of its satellites
Larionov E.V.
Poems on the 1st and 4th cover pages