Journal "Vestnik "NPO IM. S.A.Lavochkina"

Contents of the issue
Golomazov M.M., Ivankov A.A. Numerical study of the physical and chemical processes in the shock layer on the trajectory of the returned vehicle in air atmosphere
Eismont N.A., Zasova L.V., Simonov A.V., Kovalenko I.D., Gorinov D.A., Abbakumov A.S., Bober S.A. VENERA-D mission scenario and trajectory
Sachkov M.E. Prospects of terrestrial and exoatmospheric investigations of comets and meteors in the post-ROSETTA mission era
Bagrov А.V., Mitkin A.S., Moskatiniev I.V., Sysoev V.K., Yudin A.D. Proposal for the development of engineering infrastructure as a key milestone of Lunar exploration
Goncharov K.A., Katin A.A., Korzhov K.N., Kupershtein V.B., Tulin D.V., Shabarchin A.F. Modelling of radiative coolers operating environment conditions at thermal vacuum tests for cryostatting of electronic optical equipment photo detectors
Dudkin K.K., Alifanov O.M., Makarov V.P. Determination of the thermophysical characteristics of the surface layer of the lunar soil in natural conditions
Milov A.E., Rozin P.E. Development of the magnetic disturbances model from the elements of the microsatellite structure and investigation of their influence on the orientation and stabilization system
Klimenko N.N. Analytical models for estimation of LEO satellites capabilities to detect, geolocate and identify C-, X-, Ku-, Ka-band satellite communications terminals. Part 2. Analytical model for estimation of LEO satellites capabilities
Shevchenko S.N., Sova A.N., Kulakov A.N., Nikolaev A.V., Shulga V.M., Svist V.V., Smirnov M.E. Implementation of the new fueling technology at the filling-and-neutralization station of Vostochnyi cosmodrome and review of results of the first «Fregat» upper stage filling
Nazarov А.Е. Control of tandem configuration geometry for the purposes of bistatic interferometric survey
Mamedov I.E., Suleimanov Т.I., Ismailov К.Kh., Asadov Kh.G. Development of the cyber physical optimization method for the reconnaissance unmanned aerial vehicles operations
Petrov A.S., Prilutskiy A.A., Volchenkov A.S. Calculation methodic of main space synthetic aperture radar parameters dependence from vehicle flight altitude and its orbit inclination to equatorial plane
Ivanov N.N., I.А. Shirokov I.А. Pseudo spacecraft flight to the Earth stratosphere for long-term continuous observations