Journal "Vestnik "NPO IM. S.A.Lavochkina"

Contents of the issue
Moisheev А.А., Shostak S.V. The man, the legend (to the 100th anniversary of Oleg Genrikhovich Ivanovskiy)
Kazmerchuk P.V., Vernigora L.V. The method of linearization in optimization problems of low thrust spacecraft trajectories. Optimal nodes layout
Aleksandrov L.G., Konstantinov S.B., Korolkov A.V., Sapozhnikov V.B. Space vehicle fuel tank with propellant managenent device
Jukov B.I., Lichachev V.N., Rozin P.E., Sikharulidze Y.G., Tuchin A.G., Tuchin D.A. Spacecraft motion control during the Moon surface landing stage
Panin Y.V., Antonov V.A., Balykin M.A., Bondarenko V.A., Kholyakov A.E. About design and operation of heat pipes as part of the thermal control systems of the landing module of interplanetary stations for the study of the solar system bodies
Zakharenko D.V., Khamidullina N.M., Ustinov S.N. The choice of the sterilization method of the descent and landing subsystems of spacecraft to the planet with atmosphere
Bannikov A.V., Popov V.B. Calculation of local dose loads radio-electronic on-board apparatus for the spacecraft with a nuclear power plant
Dobritsa D.B., Yashchenko B.Yu., Pashkov S.V., Khristenko Yu.F. On the question of the geometry of corrugation and its influence on the protective properties of the metal mesh meteoroid protection shield
Makarov V.P., Samoilov S.Yu. Increased sensitivity of the generalized indicator of the effectiveness of space observation systems to the geometric quality of target information of remote sensing spacecraft
Khamidullina N.M., Zefirov I.V., Chernikov P.S. Analysis of single event effects created by space ionizing radiation in the microcircuits of the interplanetary spaceсrafts radio-electronic equipment
Gravchenko Yu.A., Kozlov V.V., Kukushkin I.O. Model of the process of functioning of the subject of operation of rocket and space technology
Bogatyi А.V., Bedrin Yu.K., Dyakonov G.А., Lapshinova O.V., Lyubinskaya N.V., Nagapetyan M.K., Popov G.А., Semenikhin S.А., Tyutin V.К., Yakovlev V.N. Pulsed Plasma Injector «IPI-500» for Scientific Experiments on Board the International Space Station |