Journal "Vestnik "NPO IM. S.A.Lavochkina"

Contents of the issue
The articles of this issue cover analysis of international Earth remote sensing satellites, test matters, spacecraft production and other scientific and technical items are considered. Primakov P.V., Ozerinin S.A., Sokolova Y.V. On the occasion of 105th Anniversary of Alexey Panteleimonovich Milovanov, the outstanding leader of Lavochkin Association, JSC Kosenkova A.V., Efanov V.V., Sedykh O.Yu. Terrestrial planets research by remote and contact methods. Part 1. History Zanin K.A., Klimenko N.N. Deployment of dual-purpose satellites for military applications. Part 1. Planet’s and Blacksky’s next-generation imagery surveillance satellites Rozin P.E., Simonov A.V., Gordienko E.S., Merzlinkin V.E. Navigation and ballistic support for the flight of the Impulse-1 spacecraft Demenko O.G., Birukov A.S. On prediction of the operating shock load level of the spacecraft onboard hardware following the mechanical dynamic test results Mozgovoy Yu.V. On the issue of development of onboard and ground software for the automated spacecraft systems’ control Tulin I.D., Shabarchin A.F., Shemetova E.V., Paleshkin A.V. Inverse problems of control at simulating the spacecraft external heat exchange during the thermal vacuum testing Dmitriev А.D., Sedykh O.Y., Sysoev V.K., Yudin A.D. The concept of a lunar rover energy information support in the Moon polar regions Dytskov S.V. Creation and study of a test bench mathematical model for the mass-inertial characteristics measuring in dynamic operation mode Kolobov А.Yu., Petrov Yu.A. Estimation procedure for probability of upper stages non-failure operation considering flight operation results and a priory information Leun E.V., Dobriza D.B., Poliakov А.А., Chalov S.A. On the question of the choice of structural materials for the creation of multifunctional inertial penetrators Shtokal А.О., Rykov Е.V., Bazhenova O.P., Shostak S.V. Creation prospects and application features of thermal control coatings of aluminium structural elements of the internal cavity of spacecraft optical systems Aleksandrov L.G., Konstantinov S.B., Korolkov A.V., Sapozhnikov V.B. Calculation procedure for design parameters of transport channels of capillary in -tank devices for space propulsion systems propellant tanks Sabirov T.R., Krylov V.O., Malevich E.S. On the issue of substitution of import structural materials in printed antenna arrays by domestic ones Korzhov K.N., Parshukov L.I., Sokolova Y.V. Study of the influence of the electron beam welding on the heat pipe welds quality Markelov E.E., Preobrazhenskii E.V., Goncharov V.V., Galkin V.I. On the issue of improving the technology of hot forging in the manufacture of parts of rocket and space equipment Cherepanov N.V. Electronic simulation and test substitution by mathematical models during alteration to the mass small spacecraft production Khamidullina N.M., Vlasenkov E.V., Zefirov I.V., Tulupov V.I., Osedlo V.I. Absorbed doses calculation based on data about charged particle fluxes from the spectrometers onboard the spacecraft flying in a Molniya-type orbit |