Journal "Vestnik "NPO IM. S.A.Lavochkina"

Journal "Vestnik "NPO IM. S.A.Lavochkina"

03' 2019
Issue: 03' 2019

Contents of the issue

Kolmykov V.А., Shirshkov А.Е., Ishin S.V., Asushkin V.А., Vikulenkov V.P., Fedoskin D.I. The concept of design & development of the spacecraft double launch system as a part of the Upper Stages of Fregat family

Vlasenkov E.V., Zefirov I.V., Khamidullina N.М., Kombaev T.S. Peculiarities of the lunar rovers designing taking into account the radiation effect from the space and on-board radioisotopic heat units

Gordienko E.S., Khudorozhkov P.A., Simonov A.V. The return from the Moon trajectories optimization for delivering soil to the given area of the Earth’s surface

Ivanov N.N., Dobritsa D.B., Yaschenko B.Yu. A new way of automated dust control of the spacecraft outer atmosphere at thermal-vacuum testing

Evgrafov A.E., Pol V.G., Simonov A.V., Schirhakov A.E. Estimation of potential possibility of determining the topography of the locality in space radar survey

Kuzin Е.N., Zagarskih V.I., Efanov V.V., Gasheev D.V. Model of impulse progression and transmission in small detonation devices

Bagrov A.V., Vernigora L.V., Kazmerchuk P.V., Sysoev V.K. Prediction of observation sessions of the spacecraft equipped with optical laser beacons by means of ground-based optical observation facilities

Pelevin F.V., Ponomarev A.V., Shatskii O.E., Lokhanov I.V. Reduction of hydraulic losses in pebble bed reactor for the nuclear power propulsion systems for the advanced spacecraft

Lovtsov D.A., Chernov V.V. Optimization of on-board antenna complex of the test object when the telemetry transmit through relay satellite system

Vyazankin A.S., Tsvetkova N.D., Vargin P.N., Yushkov V.A. Atmospheric modeling for ensuring controlling the movement of the returned vehicle