Journal "Vestnik "NPO IM. S.A.Lavochkina"

Contents of the issue
Asmus V.V. at alias.Space hydrometeorological observational system development based on «Electro-L» geostationary satellite series
Molodtsov V.А.
«Electro-L» SC flight control. One year of in-orbit operation
Zakharov A.I., Samoilov S.Y., Tuchin M.S.
Method of determination of the Earth centre’s celestial position
Goncharov К.А. at alias.
Thermal control of a loop heat pipe by means of external heat input
Golomazov M.M., Ivankov A.A.
On Definition of the Shock Wave Conditions for Hypersonic Flow around Descent Devices
Lyubomudrov А.А.
Radiative potentials generated by space radiation
Belova V.V.
On-line control of thermal control system telemetry parameters of transport cargo vehicles and manned transport vehicles during integrated electrical tests
Kobzar А.А., Pichkhadze К.М.
The ballistic object’s estimation algorithm by the sliding field evaluations method