Journal "Vestnik "NPO IM. S.A.Lavochkina"

Journal "Vestnik "NPO IM. S.A.Lavochkina"

Issue: 01'2013

Contents of the issue

Likhachev V.N., Sikharulidze Yu.G., Fedotov V.P.
Final breaking phases and guidance methodology for SC soft landing on the Moon

Kaminskiy V.V., Stepanov N.N., Volodin N.М., Mishin Yu.N.
Barorezistor effect and semi-conductor thin-film barorezistors based on samarium sulfide intended for spacecraft applications

Zastenker G.N.
The investigations of solar-terrestrial relations performed onboard the spacecraft developed by NPO named S.A. Lavochkin. Part 2. «INTERSHOCK» project (completion)

Buslaev S.P.
Development of onboard system of automous machine vision of «Marsokhod»

Latyshev K.A., Streltsov А.I.
Engineering approach to calculation of noncomplanar low-thrust transfers of spacecraft from the low Earth orbit into the geostationary orbit

Sabirov T.R.
L-band AESA radiation element based on complex-shaped stripline structures for SC

Reznik S.V., Prosuntsov P.V., Ageeva Т.G.
Optimal design of the suborbital reusable spacecraft wing made of polymer composite

Novalov А.А., Kiryunin S.V., Pavlova А.N.
Calculation methods of mechanical arms control parameters

Malenkov М.I.
90 years from the date of A.L. Kemurdjian's birth: remembering the chief designer of self-propelled chassis «Lunokhod-1»

Makarov V.P., Markachev N.А., Zakharov Y.V., Grishin S.А., Golikov G.V.
Development of drop test bench for automated spacecraft testing

Kudryavtsev S.V., Primakov P.V., Sokolova А.L., Trofimova Т.Yu., Kudryavtsev М.S.
Assessment of competitiveness of the enterprises of aerospace industry basing on fuzzy sets theory

Ulybyshev S.Y.
Estimation of minimum target area for the crew module an emergency the launch vehicle