Journal "Vestnik "NPO IM. S.A.Lavochkina"

Contents of the issue
Martynov M.B., Merkulov P.V., Lomakin I.V., Vyatlev P.A., Simonov A.V., Leun E.V., Barabanov A.A., Nasyrov A.F.
Russian perspective mission «Laplace-P» for studies of Jupiter planetary system: scientific goals and objectives, mission special features. Мission profile
Golomazov M.M., Ivankov A.A.
Numerical study of the influence of the Martian atmosphere particles on thermal protection design of the «ExoMars-2» descent module
Vaisberg O.L.
Celebrating the 30th Anniversary of «VEGA» Project (Halley's comet rendezvous): memories of a participant
Gordienko E.S., Ilin I.S., Mzhelskii P.V., Mikhailov E.A., Palamarchuk E.A., Poghodin A.V., Tuchin A.G., Tuchin D.A., Philippova E.N., Khudorozhkov P.A., Yaroshevskiy V.S.
«Zond-PP» and «Relek» small spacecraft ballistics, navigation and flight control
Lyubomudrov А.А.
The impact of a spacecraft’s own external atmosphere’s ionized cloud on the screening properties of its structure
Zagarskih V.I., Kuzin Е.N., Efanov V.V.
Ballistic Type Decelerator of Millisecond Range Detonation Commands
Matjushin M.M., Sokolov N.L., Ovechko V.M.
Optimal control of a spacecraft during descent in Mars atmosphere
Zanin К.А., Mitkin А.S., Moskatiniev I.V.
Methodology basics of data path modeling for space synthetic aperture radar
Gorovtsov V.V., Efanov V.V., Kotomin А.А., Dushenok S.A.
Improvement of methods for calculation of operational efficiency of detonation separation devices of piston type and their experimental verification
Gafarov А.А., Dolgunichev K.D.
Radiation safety assurance of space radioisotope generators
Khopin P.N.
Assessment of operability of couples of friction with solid lubricating coverings in vacuum conditions
Belyaev B.B., Zhiryakov A.V., Nesterin I.M., Suimenbayev B.T., Sysoev V.K., Telepnev P.P.
Investigation of spacecraft mechanical systems’ impact on precision of orientation and stabilization of the Demonstration Solar Power Station