Journal "Vestnik "NPO IM. S.A.Lavochkina"

Journal "Vestnik "NPO IM. S.A.Lavochkina"

Issue: 02'2024

Contents of the issue

This year the Journal celebrates 15th Anniversary of the first issue. The editorial board offers its congratulations on this milestone birthday and calls scientists, specialists, postgraduates and associate professors for cooperate issuing of the periodical print publication. 

Moisheev A.A., Kotlyarov E.Y., Kochetkov A.Y., Mikhailov A.N., Tulin D.V., Shakhanov A.E., Shabarchin A.F., Shemetova E.V. Study on the multi-layer insulation application method effects the efficiency of cryogenic system of the spacecraft mission equipment

Luzhenkov V.V., Kotlyarov E.Yu., Finchenko V.S. On the issue of the justification of space orientation limitation of Fregat upper stage by its thermal control while the delivery of the spacecraft to the target point in an orbital flight

Efanov V.V., Kuzin E.N. Engineering methodology for calculating the main parameters of a piston-type detonation separation device

Nasibulin M.Sh. The relationship between the risks of making erroneous decisions in planning and conducting optimal reliability control of hierarchical space technology systems in small-scale production

Zanin К.А., Moskatiniev I.V., Demidov А.Iu. Exploratory study of a new class foreign spacecraft capabilities: video synthetic aperture radars. Part 2

Klimenko N.N., Khmel D.S. Stratospheric surveillance systems enable new capabilities for space researches

Kolobov A.Yu., Blinov D.S. Skorobogatov P.O. On the issue of choosing a rational methodology for assessing the probability of trouble-free operation of rocket and space technology products during flight tests and operation

Kazmerchuk P.V., Vernigora L.V. Optimization of the low thrust spacecraft interplanetary trajectories and gravity maneuvers by the linearization method. Part 1

Ovcharova A.S., Gordienko E.S., Mikhailov E.A. The choice of a low-energy scenario of spacecraft injection into Moon orbit through the L2 libration point of the Sun – Earth system aimed at the payload mass increasing

Klimenko N.N., Zanin K.A. Space-borne electro-optical surveillance systems between past and future. Part 1. Transformation of the concept of development and deployment of space-borne electro-optical surveillance systems at the turn of the ages

Ponomarev K.E., Borshchev Yu.P., Sidyakin V.A., Strelnikov I.V., Liuks D.I., Grigoriev P.S., Goncharov V.V. Application of thermomechanical welding for welded units with aluminum alloy parts obtained by the additive method

Sofin А.P., Fedorova L.А., Ukhanov I.G., Kukushkin I.O. Design features of space robot with amoeboid thrusters

Beliankin A.V., Duga V.V. Microspacecraft heating model at entering dense atmosphere