Journal "Vestnik "NPO IM. S.A.Lavochkina"

Contents of the issue
The final issue of 2024 continues publishing articles on unique projects and rocket and space technology achievements, on current areas of space systems’ development and application.Shirshakov А.Е., Moisheev А.А., Shostak S.V. On earth, in the sky and in space. On the 85th Anniversary of Lavochkin Association Research and Development Bureau. Part 1. R&D Bureau-301
Karchaev Kh.Zh., Primakov P.V., Kudryavtsev S.V. On the 35th Anniversary of Granat SC launch: the first national autonomous orbital X-ray observatory
Moisheev A.A., Kotlyarov E.Y., Kochetkov A.Y., Shabarchin A.F. Low-temperature cooling system for the space telescope photoreceivers and some features of its developmental testing
Grudev I.A., Litvinchuk E.A., Rozin P.E. A method for ensuring the solar orientation of the spacecraft in an emergency situation associated with the shutdown of the control system
Panin Y.P., Gurov R.I., Bondarenko V.A. Study of the loop heat pipes operation stability on change of the gravity vector direction
Abdurakhimov А.А., Rylkov A.I., Matveev G.A. The spacecraft Thermal Control System survivability model
Chernikov P.S., Khamidullina N.M., Zefirov I.V., Artemov M.E. On the issue of space ionizing radiation impact the information spacecraft electronic components. Single event effects
Nazarov А.Е. An algorithm for making of circular orbits’ multiimpulse correction programs aimed at typical tasks solving. Part 1
Efanov V.V., Kuznetsov D.A., Gerasimchuk V.V., Telepnev P.P. Development and verification of a computational and experimental method for investigating the vibration activity of the electromechanical drive of the orientation system of the spacecraft solar panels
Rozin P.E., Litvinchuk E.A. Navigation support for small spacecraft in low orbits using satellite navigation devices
Kudryavtsev S.V., Leun E.V. To the question of expert assessment of the technical level of rocket and space technology products using the example of inertial penetrators based on the theory of fuzzy sets
Petrov Yu.A. The interplanetary station landing dynamics and the landing system structural features aimed at transformable systems’ functioning
Vyatlev P.A., Shemanov A.G. The physical processes of interaction of laser radiation with constantan foil in the manufacture of electric heaters for spacecraft
Klimenko N.N., Zanin K.A. Current areas of development and deployment of space-based radar surveillance systems in the renaissance of great powers confrontation
Shelenkova T.A., Panin Yu.V. To the selection of design parameters of a heat storage based on lithium nitrate trihydrate using software packages for simulating physical processes
Zhukov A.O., Ivanov K.A., Bondareva M.K., Okunev E.V., Demichev A.A. NKU DKA network – global radio interferometric network for control, navigation and communications with deep space spacecraft
Vlasenkov E.V., Khamidullina N.M., Zefirov I.V. An assessment of the radioisotope power source radiation effect on cosmonauts during operation of a manned unpressurized Lunar Rover
Makarov V.P., Petrov A.S., Samoilov S.Yu. A brief review of nadir reflected signal suppression methods in abroad pulsed Earth remote sensing systems
Korzhov K.N., Parshukov L.I., Sokolova Y.V. Electron beam welding of structures
Vorontsov V.A., Liubeznyi B.V., Khmel D.S., Quispe Mendoza M.V., Sheremet A.A., Yatsenko M.Yu. Atmospheric probes for Venus exploration
Aleksandrov L.G., Konstantinov S.B. Production of porous-net flat sheets by diffused welding, manufacturing line and test facilities for porous-net products of vast scope space applications